Travel Advices

From the lantern-strewn streets of Old Town to the farmers shouldering their harvest in balanced baskets, the scenes of Hoi An capture what every traveler imagines Vietnam to be. It is the country's "must-see" destination, delivering culture, cuisine, history, and charm with the added bonus of a beach just minutes from the town center. The moment you arrive in Hoi An, you can't help but exhale, realizing that this quaint town has an endearing quality that spans from the colorful food markets to the friendly locals who somehow work their way into your heart without even trying.

1.    Sign up for a cooking class – even if the recipes don’t look like something you’ll make again back at home, the experience is a must for food lovers. It normally includes a tour of the market which is one of an absolute favorite parts of the trip.
2.    Visit the outdoor central market to see where the locals buy their food. The market is a photographer’s dream with vivid colors and vibrant activity on every corner (and every nook and cranny in between). it is so incredibly fascinating to see behind the curtain into the daily life of Hoi An residents.
3.    Most hotels loan out bicycles – use them! The town might feel small, but your legs and feet will ache after traipsing through those cobblestones and you can cover much more ground cruising on two wheels.
4.    At the good shops tailoring is not cheap! Don’t expect it to be. All things considered, the prices are extremely low for tailored clothing, but after hearing the unbelievably low prices at the cheaper tailors, you might be a bit jaded and the prices at the nicer shops will seem steep. Try to keep the prices in perspective – you get what you pay for!
If you want to get something tailored, PLEASE heed this advice:
-    Shop around on your first day and ask about prices, lead time, and styles. Most of the reputable places will need at least 2 days lead time, and most prefer 3 to allow for two fittings and any needed alterations.

   The reputable shops are worth the cost. They really do have better quality and there’s no way around this. Just like anywhere else, you get what you pay for. 

5.    Driving
Throughout Vietnam, but particularly in the cities, traffic is chaotic. Motorbikes, cars, trucks, bicycles, buses, and masses of people flood the streets every day. If you rent a car, map out where you need to go well in advance. Whenever you drive, don’t forget to bring your license and rental documents. The local police are friendly, but they won’t be so kind you don’t have the proper documentation when pulled over for speeding or if you’re involved in an accident.

6.    Markets
The markets in Hoi An aren’t always safe, especially for foreigners. Pickpockets thrive in the area, and travelers have told stories of criminals on motorbikes who steal bags and purses off of unexpecting women. Violent crime is rare in Hoi An, but theft is commonplace, so keep your belongings close as you walk around the city. The markets are also very crowded and difficult to navigate.

7.    Boat Rides
Along the beaches, tour guides can take you to Cham Island. The ride is popular amongst tourists, but may not be suitable for everyone. The seas can be choppy and you’re exposed to the heat, wind, and storms when out on the water

8.    Money Saving Tips
-    Cooking lessons – If you enjoy the food at a certain restaurant, ask for cooking lessons. These are often cheaper than the cooking schools advertised by your hotel, hostel, or found on the Internet.
-    Camp on Cham Island – If you’re heading to Cham Island on a diving trip, it’s possible to save money on accommodation by camping on the beach.
-    Shop around – There are hundreds of tailors in Hoi An. If you’re having clothing made, check prices with a few places before settling on one. Making a local friend and asking them to bring you to a tailor they trust is even better.
-    Skip the SIM Card – Hoi An is highly connected to wifi.  You can hook into wifi in just about every hotel, shop, restaurant, and convenience store for free! Then, as you walk by your phone automatically hooks into their wifi and you can start surfing again.
-    Eat at the market – Market stalls are some of the cheapest food you can find.  Think about it, they have almost no overhead, so a meal will cost you 20,000-40,000 VND.  There are a variety of dishes to choose from and places to eat. Enjoy everything from Vietnamese donuts, banh mi (sandwich), to soups and good with more substance.
-    Rent a bicycle – Bikes can be rented for 20,000-30,000 VND per day.  This is a great way to leisurely explore the quaint city.

9.    Warnings:
-    The first thing you have to pay attention when you are walking around Hoi An. There are so many boys and girls follow you and take you to some of the shop or hotel or restaurant. 
-    Please just say THANKS and keep going to your place as your mind – or better you should get all direction from the Aira Staff. We are here 24 hours to advise you all information. Ensure that we are responsible on our recommendation.
-    Cyclo in Hoi An: Please ask the price in advance before getting on the cyclo. Because the Cyclo fee in Hoi An is the most expensive in Viet Nam 

Vehicle Permit: You have to take note that in side the Hoi AnAcient town, we are not allow for any car/ taxi come in to the town, just walking or bicyle. Others way they still allow for motorbike/ Scooter from 11:00 am to 03:00 pm, and after 10 :00 pm. But we highly advise you should need the driver if you choose scooter on your experience 

Hoi An is the most safety travel place on the world. But once again we remind all the guest have to careful with your camera/bag/hand phone--- NOT put them on the bicycle basket. 

At night there are some bar/ pub still open later than 12:00. Out side the bar, there are some men always invite you to buy cigarette, be careful with them. Cause of bad thing they will advise you after you drunk 

Before you going out or need any information, please talk to the Guest Relation. We will give you the right direction base on our charismatic and we are responsible on our voice.